Purpose: Achieve God like powers.
Objects: (1) Immortality, (2) Traveling at the speed of light or faster, (3) Telekinesis and (4) Telepathy
The Elitist themselves also believes that there is a possibility that they could live on other planets. They have created an illusion of an Space Alien from the Galaxies, supported it and promoted it by means of having Idiot Alien Seeker to followed their ideology.
**Environmentalist - used to promote conservation of oil, metals, woods and etc.
**Scientology - used to observe and do research on outer space
**Christian Science - used to observe and do research on mother earth/ mother nature
**Universal Unitarian - used to magnify themselves for the pleasure of their flesh
**Hollywood - used to spread the illusion how wonderful living
(1) in spaceship
(2) in other planet
(3) space aliens
What the elitist are NOT telling:
The elitist realized that, they would need a lots lots of resource...
The elitist realized that there are NOT enough resources from earth to go on with their plan living on the other planets...
If the Elitist Plan Fail, they would settle to inhabit the earth for themselves and wanted an Utopian lifestyle. They will depopulate the earth in a very secretive genocidal way.
A lot of people will start disappearing and The Elitist will claim UFO and ET took them out to heaven.
If you all are smart, you will never want those Elitist to take you to heaven.
Those Elitist will take you to heaven the same way stalin had the Ukrainians taken to heaven. More to the method that hitler sent Jews to heaven.
Next move by the Elitists would be a little world wide famine to make people excited to jump on spaceships and leave the earth.
The only thing is there isn't any spaceships just giant poisonous gas chambers made to look like spaceships.
Since, there is no more NASA, all the launches will take place in Russia.
The Shuttles will be full of dead bodies.
Computer generated images will show the happiness of earth citizens traveling in space.