Our Mission
1. The continuation of the humanities by natural means and methods. Defending what is naturally made by God at all costs, what God made is perfect, what man made is evil.
2. The progression of humanity is a complete failure, there is not a reason to believe that God had a hand in any of modern technology. The only good use for modern technology is the destruction of larger and more deadly forms of technology.
3. We must be ever vigilant in ourselves and in all of our family members especially OUR CHILDREN to avoid infiltration and subsequent decay of all that is decent and good within us all. We must teach Our Children To Recognize and Detest The Evilness that surround us all.
Secular Christians believe that Jesus is only Jesus but not Christ.
Secular Christians believe that Jesus is simply a man and not God.
Secular Christians believe that humanity can achieve God-like powers.
----- Immortality
----- Traveling at the speed of light or faster
----- Telechanisis and telepathy.
Detest Islamic Religion because, it claims to be the most recent true words of God but, the practices of those involved in the religion are the most backward and antiquated.
Be Against or Intolerant or have never-ending antipathy toward
-- Communism
-- Atheism
-- Big Government
-- Homosexual Mafia
-- Watermelon Environmentalists
-- Pinko Anti-War Activists
Detest these Acts of evil
-- Abortion
-- Embryonic Stem Cell Research
-- Human Cloning
-- Homosexual Behaviors
-- Same-Sex Marriage
-- Corrupted Politicians
-- Honor Killing
-- Child Rapist
-- Gun Control
Mission Statements:
God created all of the natural world and universe, in complete perfection. There has never been nor will there ever be a single human or group of humans that find a flaw in the natural world or universe.
Scientists daily express the need for humanity to respect the environment in which we all exist. Scientists are correct in this specific statement, but most have false ideas and never really say what God has done or point out the perfection of God's creation.
The creation in which humanity exists should be respected and its creator (God/Jesus Christ the lord) should be worshiped as the creator and that of which all things are a part of.
It is important to realize that all of creation was made by God and therefore belongs to God, including humanity itself. From the Dust that God made, came man(the body) and to it, a man should and must return.
Respecting the environment which God created is often done with the false motive of protecting humanity, therefore, it is not about protecting or respecting the environment it is about protecting the unnatural existence of humanity in a ever grasping state of modern technology seeking power. This is not natural and it has been created by man and his ego (Satan), not God.
It is natural for humanity to reach for the necessities of which it is required to live, it is quite another to attempt to make it unnecessary to reach or strive to obtain these same necessities. The current biggest violator of this law of nature is socialism/communism.
Communism constantly promotes the false idea that every human has the same needs and that the power and structure of technology must be the ultimate provider of all of humanity's needs (thus justifying their actions).
The leaders of communism KNOW it is impossible for humanity to make something out of nothing but its leaders and promoters would have us all believe that science and They (the leader/promoters of communism) have the answer.
The promoters of communism do have the answer but, they are not telling YOU what it is because they know you will not like it.
The truth is that the individual human has a natural need to be its own provider, this struggle should never be turned over to the will of power-seeking groups or its lawmakers and the institutionally educated. The temptation is far too great and what has always happened will continue to happen, about half of the population of any social state will enslave the other half. In short institutionalized governments destroy man's natural existence and make weaknesses in all the cultures of humanity which they in turn misuse to enslave which eventually leads to the destruction of their very own future legacies (the slavery they force upon others, physically weakens their own children, grandchildren etc........) .
True and righteous laws are not found in the minds of humanity. God and his laws are the only laws that hold the truth (the laws used in the making of nature). The TEN COMMANDMENTS And the Commandments of JESUS CHRIST THE LORD are the only laws that matter and to follow and enforce them is all that matters. Modern Technology interferes with the following of the Lords commandments and will eventually be destroyed by either You and I (All of Us) or those working God's will unknowingly (The Evil).
If we allow the Wicked to do the will of God when we should want to do that will what, then can we say to God? As always only God can be relied upon to do what is right. Will Humanity ever recognize it's placed and do what is right?
Communities and cities are formed by those seeking power, they can never do the will of God because God's Laws are not the inspiration for the forming of any of humanity's communities.
Humanity is a group that has been created to live as individuals who worship God as one. It should not be a Group that lives as one and worships God individually (however, when ever or if they feel like it.)
Humanity as we know it will not continue to exist unless we choose to do the will of God and turn from seeking power through modern technology.
Humanity is quickly reaching a crossroads, we either choose to allow the earth to exist naturally and love God and what he made or we fight to near extermination and total reversion of the human species as we know it.
There are not enough resources on the planet to support infinity, that is why we die. There are not enough resources on the planet to support a mass exodus outside of earth's protection, it is evil and foolish to try and it would only be a failing attempt to continue the same false Ideas that humanity now holds. The definition of insanity is to repeat the same action expecting different results.
We have multiplied and filled the earth with people, but many have misused the great pleasure that God has given us and seek to please ourselves and not God. Loving Your children must come before creating them. Illegitimacy must be prevented before the opportunity to create it occurs. Humanity will eventually admit that God is the Lord Jesus Christ the question is how do You want to admit it, by being forced or ................ by knowing the natural legacy of grace from Jesus Christ the Lord.
Matthew 10: 32-34
32 Everyone who acknowledges me before others I will acknowledge before my heavenly Father.
33 But whoever denies me before others, I will deny before my heavenly Father.
34 "Do not think that I have come to bring peace upon the earth. I have come to bring not peace but the sword.
Mathew 5: 13-19
13 "You are the salt of the earth. But if salt loses its taste, with what can it be seasoned? It is no longer good for anything but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.
14 You are the light of the world. A city set on a mountain cannot be hidden.
15 Nor do they light a lamp and then put it under a bushel basket; it is set on a lampstand, where it gives light to all in the house.
16 Just so, your light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father.
17 "Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have come not to abolish but to fulfill.
18 Amen, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or the smallest part of a letter will pass from the law, until all things have taken place.
19 Therefore, whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do so will be called least in the kingdom of heaven. But whoever obeys and teaches these commandments will be called greatest in the kingdom of heaven.