Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Elitist Plan.

Purpose: Achieve God like powers.

Objects: (1) Immortality, (2) Traveling at the speed of light or faster, (3) Telekinesis and (4) Telepathy

The Elitist themselves also believes that there is a possibility that they could live on other planets. They have created an illusion of an Space Alien from the Galaxies, supported it and promoted it by means of having Idiot Alien Seeker to followed their ideology.

**Environmentalist - used to promote conservation of oil, metals, woods and etc.

**Scientology - used to observe and do research on outer space

**Christian Science - used to observe and do research on mother earth/ mother nature

**Universal Unitarian - used to magnify themselves for the pleasure of their flesh

**Hollywood - used to spread the illusion how wonderful living
(1) in spaceship
(2) in other planet
(3) space aliens

What the elitist are NOT telling:

The elitist realized that, they would need a lots lots of resource...

The elitist realized that there are NOT enough resources from earth to go on with their plan living on the other planets...

If the Elitist Plan Fail, they would settle to inhabit the earth for themselves and wanted an Utopian lifestyle. They will depopulate the earth in a very secretive genocidal way.


A lot of people will start disappearing and The Elitist will claim UFO and ET took them out to heaven.

If you all are smart, you will never want those Elitist to take you to heaven.

Those Elitist will take you to heaven the same way stalin had the Ukrainians taken to heaven. More to the method that hitler sent Jews to heaven.

Next move by the Elitists would be a little world wide famine to make people excited to jump on spaceships and leave the earth.

The only thing is there isn't any spaceships just giant poisonous gas chambers made to look like spaceships.

Since, there is no more NASA, all the launches will take place in Russia.

The Shuttles will be full of dead bodies.

Computer generated images will show the happiness of earth citizens traveling in space.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Donald Trump is FULL of LIES!

When Donald Trump brought out the issue of baracobama's birth certificate, How come the MainStream Media did not identify Donald Trump as a "Racist White Guy" ? Serious Question to Ask Yourself, Voter!

1.) Trump donated $50,000 to Rahm Emmanuel to be Mayor of Chicago. He is a Queer or Liberal, your choice.

2.) Trump only CARES about Donald Trump.

Is it free trade that drove U.S. factories to China? NO! It is taxation and Union thugs that destroyed U.S. industry.

Does Trump have a problem with Unions? No! Trump loves Unions.

Does Trump care about the price of any product to the average U.S. citizen? NO! Trump is the true form of Corporatism that will destroy the U.S

Trump is not a capitalist nor does he care about free trade, he is more like a robber baron or a monopolist. The Robber Barons created socialism and communism, the only thing Trump has right is that The U.S. has become a joke.

Russia is running the U.S. not China, just as Russia is the true sponsor of islamic terrorism. Who actually thinks that the exchange of paper with china is destroying the U.S.? It is the exchange values with Russia that is destroying the United States.

"Unionism" or (unions) is the manipulation or control of the average workers vote by the corporate owner and the government socialist elitist by the way of union bosses.

A True economic conservative does not do everything only on his own behalf. A True economic conservative recognizes the need for decent and honest business competition. Trump does not recognized the need for decent and honest and fair business competition. donald trump is a socialist.

Like I said before, Donald Trump's closing of the Walmart Corporation WILL NOT help me now or in the long run.

People like Lt. Col. Terrence Larkin was willing to say something, lose his job and even his FREEDOM. He deserve the credit for exposing baracobama as a criminal not Donald Trump or the Mainstream Media.

The Mainstream Media is a whore and so is Donald Trump.

Donald Trump and the Mainstream Media talking about baracobama's eligibility, is an attempt to control an issue in the U.S. Military that could truly change the United States into the country it was before.

Donald Trump will not arrest socialist infiltrators and contributors to terrorism like Bill Ayers. The U.S. Military would arrest Socialist Infiltrators.

I believe most of Donald Trump money secretly goes to support Hamas and al Qaeda by way of Charity Organizations.

Trump thinks Nancy Pelosi one of the best Speaker of the House..... likes Hilary Clinton. He said that George Bush was the worst president in the history of the United States.

Donald Trump also praised Vladimir Putin and said that the Russian president was one of the most successful contemporary politicians.




It's very strange Trump, who works for NBC (apprentice) is being called racist by MSNBC. The question is why didn't Trump say anything on his show 2008 about baracobama's eligibility, if he is so deeply concerned about the United States....

How many MainStream Media robots will feel sympathy, if Trump is "FIRED" by NBC?

How many MainStream Media robots will pledge their vote to Trump just because, he quits NBC and states that he isn't racists?

Are you willing to vote for Trump just because, he says, "he isn't racist"? LOL! baracobama said that too! Trump is not different from baracobama....

Donald Trump is FULL of LIES!!!!

If any politician wants my consideration or vote, The first requirement for all elective representatives or officials, is that all MainStream Media attack and hate the candidates endlessly and Mercilessly from every direction possible.