Thursday, June 24, 2010

It's about Spiritual War.

It's about Spiritual War.

You either a Christian or Secular.

You either American or Not American.

You either for Freedom or Slavery.

You either for LIFE or Death. ... Death is coming for those who are for Death.

Illegal Aliens, communists and terrorisms are all the same. These are not foreign cultures, they are invading cultures.

The war will start in Israel but, the outcome wil depend on whether Demoncrats still control the U.S.A.

If Israel is attacked by Russia while, demoncrats still control the U.S.A then, the U.S Military will be attacked by Russia.

Russians will pretend to be Radical Islamic while destroying the U.S. Military in Afghanistan. Putin will claim that IRAN NUKED Afghanistan by mistake while, Putin Actually intentionally nuked U.S. Troops.

The DEMONCRATS of the U.S.A will ever so gently kiss Putin's rectum and place all the blame on Iran.

Christian, Jewish and Muslim all DESTROYED making way for their NEW AGE RELIGION - theosophy/scientology/human are space aliens.

In reality PAGAN/STANIC Monsters demanding CHILD SACRIFICE.

Dear Liberals of the USA,

Your concern for the state of humanity and the earth deeply touches me. I completely agree with you, over population of the earth is a serious issue we as humans should all consider.

Your sincere heartfelt desire for the well being of earth and it's inhabitants is truly one of charity and genuine love.

Liberals, since you are more capable of charity and love than the rest of us poor specimens, I know that you will not mind being the first to show us how to reduce the population by the example of exterminating yourselves. After all, you liberals would not want to be seen as uncharitable, would you?

With My Deepest Respect

The Ghost of the 40 million aborted U.S. souls

Deus Succurro Nos!