Tuesday, June 29, 2010

How long has this HATERED been at the CENTER of Main Stream Media's AGENDA?

Is this song done with sarcasm in mnd?


Was the writer of this song mocking Jesus Christ?

How long has this HATERED been at the CENTER of Main Stream Media's AGENDA?

Interesting that the person who wrote this song leaves out this little tidbit of information.......The hurdy-gurdy has a well developed tradition in Eastern E...urope, in particular in Hungary, Poland, Belarus and Ukraine. In Ukraine it is known as the lira or relia. It was and still is played by professional, often blind, itinerant musicians known as lirnyky. Their repertoire is primarily para-religious in theme, although it includes many historic epics known as dumy and folk dances. Lirnyky were categorised as beggars by the Russian authorities and underwent harsh repressive measures if they performed in the streets of major cities until 1902, when the authorities were asked by ethnographers attending the 12th All-Russian Archaeological conference to stop persecuting them. In the 1930s this tradition was almost totally eradicated by the Soviet authorities when some 250-300 lirnyky were rounded up for an ethnographic conference and executed as a socially undesirable element in contemporary Soviet society. Today the instrument is undergoing a revival and is also being used in various ethnographic ensembles.


Thursday, June 24, 2010

It's about Spiritual War.

It's about Spiritual War.

You either a Christian or Secular.

You either American or Not American.

You either for Freedom or Slavery.

You either for LIFE or Death. ... Death is coming for those who are for Death.

Illegal Aliens, communists and terrorisms are all the same. These are not foreign cultures, they are invading cultures.

The war will start in Israel but, the outcome wil depend on whether Demoncrats still control the U.S.A.

If Israel is attacked by Russia while, demoncrats still control the U.S.A then, the U.S Military will be attacked by Russia.

Russians will pretend to be Radical Islamic while destroying the U.S. Military in Afghanistan. Putin will claim that IRAN NUKED Afghanistan by mistake while, Putin Actually intentionally nuked U.S. Troops.

The DEMONCRATS of the U.S.A will ever so gently kiss Putin's rectum and place all the blame on Iran.

Christian, Jewish and Muslim all DESTROYED making way for their NEW AGE RELIGION - theosophy/scientology/human are space aliens.

In reality PAGAN/STANIC Monsters demanding CHILD SACRIFICE.

Dear Liberals of the USA,

Your concern for the state of humanity and the earth deeply touches me. I completely agree with you, over population of the earth is a serious issue we as humans should all consider.

Your sincere heartfelt desire for the well being of earth and it's inhabitants is truly one of charity and genuine love.

Liberals, since you are more capable of charity and love than the rest of us poor specimens, I know that you will not mind being the first to show us how to reduce the population by the example of exterminating yourselves. After all, you liberals would not want to be seen as uncharitable, would you?

With My Deepest Respect

The Ghost of the 40 million aborted U.S. souls

Deus Succurro Nos!

Yes, we have an UFO's

Now, we have an UFO's that Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu, FAKE Jewish and some FAKE Christians believe in which is controlled by the reincarnation of Jesus Christ, LOL! BULLSHIT!

FUCK YOU! The FORCE be with you? YOU GO TO HELL!

A lot of people will start disappearing and The Elitist will claim UFO and ET took them out to heaven.

If you are smart, you will never want those Elitist to take you to heaven. Those Elitist will take you to heaven the same way stalin had the Ukrainians taken to heaven. More to the method that hitler sent Jews to heaven.

Next move by the Elitists would be a little world wide famine to make people excited to jump on spaceships and leave the earth.

The only thing is there isn't any spaceships just giant poisonous gas chambers made to look like spaceships.

Since, there is no more NASA, all the launches will take place in Russia. The Shuttles will be full of dead bodies. Computer generated images will show the happiness of earth citizens traveling in space.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

New Age Movement Religion

New Age Movement Religion, They are in the USA!

-- members are Communist/Socialist, Sodomy Rapist, Abortionist, Pedophiles, Illegal Alien Drug Dealing, Radical Islam, Human Trafficking, Euthanasia, Theosophy, Fabian Society, Satan Worshiping, Thule Society.

-- barack hussien obama is their Messiah!

-- pelosi, mccain, biden, liberals, demoncrats and rinos are worshiping barack hussien obama
Constance Cumbey Is On To Something, Dangerous "Spiritualities", Perhaps The Globalist Antichrist Religion Pope St. Pius X Warned Us Against. She Works Together With Devout Followers Of Jesus From Many Churches, Protestant & Catholic. Agree Or Disagree, She Is On To Something !!!

Her Book Is Online At
The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow

News and views of Constance Cumbey concerning "Radical Middle", New Age Movement, Communitarianism, "planetary humanism," "global governance," European Union, Javier Solana, Jeremy Rifkin, "New Age Politics," law in the USA, combined with life in general -- sometimes humorous, sometimes not!

Barney Frank in Military

Barney Frank proposes new "don't ask don't tell" military uniform.


Do you know why the DEMONCRATS and other politicians are doing it? The homosexuals will accept COMMUNISM.

The demoncrats and other politicians intents to turn the U.S. Military on U.S. Citizens and gun them down.

Valerie, your daddy killed babies.

This quote is from Valerie Tiller Mayo, daughter of Abortionist George Tiller: "Happy Father's Day to all the Dad's out there...I wish my Dad were here. I never knew you could miss someone so badly, I miss him so... He was such a wonderful gentle kind man. He is remembered not only today, but each and everyday of my life. To you in Heaven Dad "I Love You". We'll meet again someday".

Valerie, your daddy killed babies to make room for you here on earth.

Did your daddy tell you that Jesus Christ was going to come down in a spaceship to take your daddy and all of your family to heaven?

There's a lot of things that your daddy lied to you about and secrets, he kept it from you. The other possibility is YOU are every bit as evil as your daddy, Baby Killer George Tiller.

Valerie, YOU should Thank God for Scott Roeder who had enough guts to stop this baby slaughtering non-sense that your daddy was doing.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Never Reject Anybody?

Here How It Goes..........The Question Are:

When Jesus knocks at your door, His is knocking at your Hearts door. Will you please open your heart and let Him in? If he came to offer you something much better, a life with Him, will you leave ALL of your material Possessions behind and not have to think twice about any of them? Are you willing to give Him your soul in exchance for His Love and His Truth? Will you Love and treat others as you would if He were standing right in front of you...because it could actually be Him in human form. He doesn't try to trick people, only Satan would do that! God loves you and wants to know see how you treat others in your heart. He wants us ALL to come together as His family and Love Him , as well as one another...not just for a moment or a day, but for ALL of our lifetime on this earth. He wants to see people helping people and not turning anyone away, no matter what the reason!!! He wouldn't you!!!! Don't just think about it, KNOW IT IN YOUR HEART!!!!!!!!!
My Question is Jesus who? There is a lot of name Jesus out there.....
No where in the Holy Bible did Jesus Christ said "never reject anybody"

Matthew 10:14-15

14 And whoever will not receive you nor hear your words, when you depart from that house or city, shake off the dust from your feet.

15 Assuredly, I say to you, it will be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment than for that city!

I reject certain people's actions and there by rejecting these certain people whose lives are entirely shaped around those actions that I reject Examples: Pedophiles is one group of people that I reject.

Another is Fabian Society theosophists who are not only seeking to cause evolution spiritually but physically. The likes of George Bernard Shaw, Barbara Marx Hubbard and Margaret Sanger.

Jesus Christ also rejected the pharisees and sadducees

Matthew 23:3 -- So you must obey them and do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach.

Jesus Christ helped some people by rejecting Them.
I am NOT Jesus Christ, nothing like him.
But, I should do my best to interfere with evil and so should you.

Happy Fathers Day To All.


Friday, June 18, 2010

Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name.
Thy Kingdom come,
thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those
who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
the power and the glory,
for ever and ever.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Dear Liberals of The U.S.A.

Open Letter to the Liberals of the United States of America,

Your concern for the state of humanity and the earth deeply touches me.

I completely agree with you, over population of the earth is a serious issue we as humans should all consider.

Your sincere heartfelt desire for the well being of earth and it's inhabitants is truly one of charity and genuine love.

Liberals, since you are more capable of charity and love than the rest of us poor specimens, I know that you will not mind being the first to show us how to reduce the population by the example of exterminating yourselves.

After all, you liberals would not want to be seen as uncharitable, would you?

With My Deepest Respect,

The Ghost of the 40 million aborted U.S. souls

Deus Succurro Nos!

"Physicians, biologists, and other scientists agree that conception marks the beginning of the life of a human being - a being that is alive and is a member of the human species. There is overwhelming agreement on this point in countless medical, biological, and scientific writings." (US Senate Report, 97th Congress, 1st Session 1981)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010





ARE YOU A................


To Abortion, Homosexual Acts, Gun Control, Anti-America, Anti-US Military, Illegal Aliens, Corrupted Politicians, Seculars, Radical Islams, Atheists, Socialists, Communists and New Age Peace Loving Movement Religion who are nothing but pagan/satan worshipper.......