Monday, November 18, 2019

Why Trump WANTS to be impeached

So, why Trump WANTS to be impeached?

First, a House committee begins an investigation. In this case, it'll be the Judiciary Committee, headed by Jerry Nadler.

If the Judiciary Committee calls for a vote, and a simple majority of the House agrees, then there's a trial in the Senate.

Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton are the only two presidents who've been impeached. Their cases were very simple.  Both were acquitted by the Senate.

The Senate requires a two-thirds majority to convict.  What is the crime Trump is accused of committing?

There's no evidence of ANY crime.  So there won't be a two-thirds majority voting to convict.


The Senate trial is a REAL TRIAL.

Trump will have his own lawyers putting on his defense.

He'll declassify everything he needs in order to defend himself.

A trial in the Senate will lead to the expose of absolutely everything that the media has so far ignored. Every news outlet will cover the trial daily.

The country will see evidence of unprecedented criminality. By the Democrats. Biden is small potatoes.  He doesn't even matter.

If Trump goes on trial, he's going to expose every single crime the Democrats committed, going back to January of 2009.

Not only will the Senate NOT convict, but the Democratic party will also die.

We know that the "whistleblower" was GIVEN the information that Trump said "troubling" things in his phone call to the Ukrainian president.

The whistleblower was set up. Trump has had three years to prepare for this. And now we'll see if the Democrats go all the way.

Impeachment is the death of the Democratic party.

NOT impeaching will make the base stay home in 2020.

In all scenarios, Trump wins. And that's why he orchestrated this.”

Trump is Smart!

WOE!  To them, the corrupted Democrats!

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Liberals using NAZI playbook?

"Liberals using NAZI playbook?"
AUGUST 31, 2018
by Fr. Mark Hodges, reporter

What enabled The Third Reich to rise – and are liberals in America following the same playbook?

Historians cite Germany’s grave post-WWI economic depression and disarmament humiliation, but such factors do not explain how Hitler won millions of Germans over to Nazism. How did one of the world’s most infamous genocidal dictators get decent, law-abiding citizens to abandon their values?

Dr. Erwin Lutzer tackles this question, and his answers show some shocking parallels to liberal America today.

Erase All Vestiges of Christianity in National Culture
Like the communists before him, Hitler separated God and the practice of religion from public life.

Germany was nearly all Christian; one-third Catholic and two-thirds Lutheran. So Hitler had to eliminate God in stages.

First, the Fuhrer redefined Christian feasts and symbols. Christmas became “Yuletide.” Easter became an observance of Spring.

He also moved Christian holidays so as to disjoin them from their original, religious meaning. For instance, Hitler’s SS troops celebrated “Winter Solstice” on December 21st.

Today, God may not be mentioned by Name in schools, city meetings, courts, or on the job. Public schools take a secular “spring break” having nothing to do with the date or the celebration of the Resurrection.

Much like the Nazis, liberals in America have slowly taken God and religion out of law, government, education, and the workplace. The result is that government has become the Almighty Provider of material needs and Divine Arbiter of human rights.

Silence Churches in the Public Arena
Hitler had to take away the powerful influence of Germany’s churches before he could ever start a war or imprison Jews by the millions. He effected a radical separation of church and state and passed laws punishing critics of his Nazi government.

As early as 1936, Nazis arrested 800 pastors and church officials simply for opposing his party’s exclusion of non-Aryans from public office or civil service — and eventually owning any business. Even where there were no laws, his “Brownshirts” mercilessly beat and murdered anyone who spoke against the Fuhrer.

The same silencing of conservatives is happening right now in the United States. Liberal politicians such as “The-Dogma-Lives-Loudly-In-You” California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, Democrat, have suggested — with many Democrats approving — that devout Christians should not be allowed in government.

Military officials have been fired or disciplined for their beliefs, while “progressive” politicians say practicing Christians may not serve in the armed forces.

County clerks like Kim Davis have been jailed for not going along with the liberal agenda — and Democrats are now saying conservatives such as Davis should not be allowed in civil service.

But liberals have not stopped with squeezing Christians out of government or the military. Adoption agencies have been run out of business by new, anti-Christian government policies. Pastors have been threatened by politicians demanding sermon reports to check for political correctness. Bakers, calligraphers, photographers, college administrators, hall renters, chapel owners, farm proprietors, flower shop owners, pizzeria restaurateurs, and others have been sued, fined, fired, threatened, slandered, vandalized, and forced to close their doors.

Use Violence against Those Who Disagree
Violence against anyone that takes a conservative stand is increasing at an alarming rate. Death threats, assassination attempts, public calls for execution, “jokes” on social media about beheadings, car bombs, vicious beatings.

Even detailed instructions on how to murder law enforcement agents are being circulated online — all in the name of “tolerance.”

In the name of fighting fascism, liberals silence opposing ideas, carrying signs saying, “The only good fascist is a dead one.” Colleges explode in violence if a conservative speaker is so much as booked for a campus event. Even Democrat Congresswoman Maxine Waters publicly called for liberals to viciously harass members of the conservative Trump administration.

Let’s face it: Just as Christianity civilized the Western world, so the removal of Christianity leads to the vulgarization of society. Selflessness and a turning of the cheek have given way to “looking out for number one” and using violence as a means of “progressive” social change. Sound familiar?

National Fiscal Irresponsibility
Germany began paying war reparations by simply printing more money. They printed even more money to “stimulate” the German economy. The nation went off the gold standard in 1914 and flooded its economy with marks until they weren’t worth the paper they were printed on.

Similarly, today’s tax-and-spend liberals never met an issue they couldn’t “solve” in the short term by throwing money at it. Perhaps the most egregious tanking of the U.S. economy came when President Obama finagled Congress into passing ObamaCare — at a cost to taxpayers of $1.34 trillion over the next decade, according to Congressional Budget Office estimates in 2016.

A similar creation of money-out-of-thin-air was the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of October 2008, which threw $700 billion at the banking industry. Instead of buying troubled mortgages as promised so banks could ease consumer burden, the U.S. Treasury under former President George W. Bush basically handed taxpayer money to the very corporations whose greed caused the crisis. Then in early 2008, the Obama administration gave those same banking institutions the other half — in the name of “stimulating” the economy. In total, out of $700 billion taxpayer dollars “spent,” only $4 billion actually went to loan modifications and homeowner aid.

Obama’s American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, an $825 billion “stimulus” package passed on party lines promised big but delivered nothing.

As true conservatives have always said, you can’t tax-and-spend your way to financial prosperity. When the state tries to print money to pay its debts, the economy spirals quickly downward. The Obama recession loomed over the country until Trump administration conservative policies finally began reversing the trend. But our nation has yet to recover from its massive $21.5 trillion debt.

The German People Were Desperate
The complete collapse in 1929 of the already-depressed German economy left Germans eager to give power to a “savior.” Hungry and utterly destitute, Germans became desperate. “When the economy has come apart and the madness has begun, people will pay any price to live,” Lutzer observes.

Germans looked the other way on policies that harmed others but kept their own government benefits flowing.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

The Abortionist

What he was really trying to say, "It's my job to tell you how evil you are supporting abortion because it was the right thing to do for women to choose.

Congratulation, you just tear the baby apart in a very inhumane disgusting, terrible, tremendous, offensive, gross, nasty, foul, horrible, dreadful, unpleasant, revolting, stinking, sickening, hideous, vulgar, vile, distasteful, horrid, frightful, nauseating, odious, repugnant, loathsome, abominable, nauseous, detestable, hellacious way!" and I made so much money with the women's right to choose to legally murder their unborn.

They are following the deceiver, satan, who is ruling the earth right now.

House Bill 2495 and Senate Bill 1942 would allow the following:

• Allow abortions for any reason throughout all nine months of pregnancy

• Eliminate any restrictions on where abortions may be performed

• Allow non-physicians, including nurses and physician assistants, to perform abortions, both surgical and medical

• Threaten institutional and individual rights of conscience

• Jeopardize any meaningful regulation of abortion clinics

• Require private health insurance policies to include coverage for all abortions, with no exemptions, even for churches and other religious organizations

• Eliminate any requirement to investigate fetal deaths or maternal deaths resulting from abortion

• Repeal law prohibiting “kickbacks” for abortion referrals

• Repeal the Parental Notice of Abortion Act of 1995, which has been responsible for a reduction of more than 55% in abortions among Illinois minors since 2012

Thursday, March 14, 2019