Friday, March 16, 2012

I will NOT submit to Islam

Shariah Law does has nothing to do with the BELIEF IN GOD.

Shariah Law does not exist in the sense that it belongs to any Church/Religion.

Islam does not have Churches, Islam has State Dictators that decide what is moral and what is Not moral.

Islamic Mosques are not churches or religious, their Mosques are State Capitals where punishment is dispensed.

In Islam, there is no belief in God ONLY worship of the State Leader.

Islamic people are not allowed to even THINK, they know what is right and wrong.

Islam is not a religion and every time ANYONE calls Islam a religion, they are comparing good and evil as IF they are the same or relative .

Every DECENT human being knows that good and evil are NOT the same; Government, Islamic or Statist should NEVER try to take the place of an INDIVIDUALS desire to know and do what is right and stand against what is wrong.
Posted on March 16, 2012 at 12:43pm by: Billy Hallowell

The Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia has made some statements that have religious freedom critics bouncing between scratching their heads and curling up in horror. Sheikh Abdul Aziz al-Sheikh recently announced that it is “necessary to destroy all the churches of the region.“ The ”region” he was referring to, of course, is the Arabian Peninsula (including Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, United Arab Emirates and Oman).

Christians throughout the Middle East, of course, have responded sharply, finding themselves dismayed that such a statement could be made.

Russia Today (RT) has more about these comments:

Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah made the controversial statement in a response to a question from a Kuwaiti NGO delegation. A Kuwaiti parliamentarian had called for a ban on the construction of new churches in February, but so far the initiative has not been passed into law. The NGO, called the Society of the Revival of Islamic Heritage, asked the Sheikh to clarify what Islamic law says on the matter.

The Grand Mufti, who is the highest official of religious law in Saudi Arabia, as well as the head of the Supreme Council of Islamic Scholars, cited the Prophet Mohammed, who said the Arabian Peninsula is to exist under only one religion.

The Sheikh went on to conclude that it was therefore necessary for Kuwait, being a part of the Arabian Peninsula, to destroy all churches on its territory. reported very similar details:

Speaking to a delegation in Kuwait, Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah, stressed that since the tiny Gulf state was a part of the Arabian Peninsula, it was necessary to destroy all of the churches in the country, Arabic media have reported.

Saudi Arabia’s top cleric made the comment in view of an age-old rule that only Islam can be practiced in the region.

In February, RT reports that Osama al-Munawar, a member of the Kuwaiti Parliament, was planning to submit official legislation that would remove all churches from the country. He later clarified that any church currently in existence would be allowed to stay, but that new houses of worship that were not Islamic in nature would not be allowed to be constructed.

What’s most interesting in this case is that al-Sheikh is calling for the houses of worship to be destroyed — a radical ideal to say the least. The proposal in Kuwait — a nation that he is not a resident of — calls, as stated, for a ban on any new buildings, not to destroy current houses of worship.

Elliot Abrams, Senior Fellow for Middle Eastern Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, though, explains why the Grand Mufti’s statement is unsurprising:

…the reported statement by the Grand Mufti came as no surprise to me. Nor is it a surprise, considering his interpretation of Islam, that the religious police make it so difficult for Christians even to worship privately, in their homes. In a better world, the UN Human Rights Council would be denouncing these violations of freedom of religion, as would the whole Organization of Islamic Cooperation—given that Saudi Arabia is the only one of its 57 member countries that absolutely bars churches. In the world in which we actually live, denunciations of the Saudis for this are almost non-existent.

In Saudi Arabia, Islam is the only permitted religion and there are no houses of worship for individuals who subscribe to different faiths.

Monday, February 27, 2012

The Hollywood Blues

The Pirates who run Hollywood are using the Oscars to have a little laugh at the expense of the less enlightened. The spilling of "Kim Jong ill's ashes are a sign of disrespect for evil socialism and deep respect for enlightened socialism that prefers to focus on what people think and how they think. The enlightened socialists do not need to point guns at people to get them to do what the corrupt Hollywood elite, want them to.

The Pirates running "entertainment" do not have to send you off to concentration camps or work camps , they just tell you that everything is something to be laughed at. The media moguls won't have to make a more efficient industrialization because they are almost done broadcasting their nonsense by way of technology and they are certain that they are the only ones deserving of having technology.

I wonder what kind of wonderful story they are planning to make up with the parameters that they have set for this production. It could not be an Islamic caliphate in what use to be the U.S. could it? It could not be the pagan Islam religion controlled by a corrupt Super state guiding the minds of It's slave with their first duty being to put the conquered dead bodies in the ocean could it? Got to save the planet you know !! No way Hollywood is not like that!! (sarcasm intended)....

I first saw the video in..