Monday, February 27, 2012

The Hollywood Blues

The Pirates who run Hollywood are using the Oscars to have a little laugh at the expense of the less enlightened. The spilling of "Kim Jong ill's ashes are a sign of disrespect for evil socialism and deep respect for enlightened socialism that prefers to focus on what people think and how they think. The enlightened socialists do not need to point guns at people to get them to do what the corrupt Hollywood elite, want them to.

The Pirates running "entertainment" do not have to send you off to concentration camps or work camps , they just tell you that everything is something to be laughed at. The media moguls won't have to make a more efficient industrialization because they are almost done broadcasting their nonsense by way of technology and they are certain that they are the only ones deserving of having technology.

I wonder what kind of wonderful story they are planning to make up with the parameters that they have set for this production. It could not be an Islamic caliphate in what use to be the U.S. could it? It could not be the pagan Islam religion controlled by a corrupt Super state guiding the minds of It's slave with their first duty being to put the conquered dead bodies in the ocean could it? Got to save the planet you know !! No way Hollywood is not like that!! (sarcasm intended)....

I first saw the video in..